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Mangaiti Equine Books

Understanding Equitation

Understanding Equitation

Regular price $100.00 NZD
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Jean St-Fort Paillard

"Why understand equitation?" Asks William Steinkraus, legendary chef d'equipe of the US equestrian team and gold medal Olympian, in the foreword to this excellent book.

"Of course doing is what counts," he goes on, "but understanding equitation makes doing it correctly immeasurably easier, even for those at the extreme ends of the spectrum who appear to have enough of either talent or brains to survive without revealing any of the other.  It should be noted in passing that this tiny minority is even smaller than it seems, for within it masquerade both the shrewd thinker who prefers to "play dumb", and the person whose misconceptions obscure reasonably normal physical instincts.  The "knowledgeable" bad rider usually belongs in this latter category, on closer examination, for there is no such thing as "paralysis by analysis" if the analysis is sound."

This book is the bible of equitation.  Steinkraus' hope, that it would come to be widely read, never came to pass and it is now very difficult to find a copy - don't miss the opportunity to own it for yourself.

Condition: hardback, dust jacket a bit tatty, inside pristine, unread and unmarked.

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